School Breakfast: Growing Strong in Big Sky Country

Rainbow: a highway in Montana.

The following guest post was written by Dayle Hayes, MS, RD. Dayle is the chair of the American Dietetic Association’s School Nutrition Services Dietetic Practice Group. Thank you, Dayle, for taking the time to share this story with our readers!

The support for school breakfast programs in Montana is growing by leaps and bounds – from local teachers and principals all the way to the state Office of Public Instruction. That’s because of the connection between a morning meal and a strong, diverse, and well-educated workforce to compete in a global environment.

“Eating a well-balanced breakfast is essential for learning in any classroom,” says Superintendent of Public Instruction Denise Juneau. “Schools all across Montana have been expanding their breakfast programs to meet the needs of families during our tough economic times. If children do not have a good breakfast at home, they are unable to learn new material or to concentrate on complex tasks when they get to school.”

Hunger, Obesity, School Food and … Social Media?

Social media is an important component of the fight against hunger and obesity, and the fight for the best school nutrition for America’s kids. Using Facebook and Twitter are important tools for disseminating the information we publish on this blog but they are equally important as research tools. Every day hundreds, thousands, millions of people…

Notes from LAC 2011

My first LAC has been an eye-opener. I cannot express how grateful I am to have had this opportunity to see, listen and talk to experts in the field of school nutrition. I am also grateful to all of you who expressed excitement about the Partners for Breakfast in the Classroom project and the Beyond…

Legislative Action Conference and National School Breakfast Week

Readers, I am so excited that I can barely contain myself! This post is brought to you LIVE from Washington, D.C. where I am going to attend the School Nutrition Foundation’s Legislative Action Conference (March 6-9). I haven’t been to D.C. since my 8th grade class trip plus I get to visit with no fewer…

Coalition Building Webinar: Reflections

Wow! If you were one of the 180 attendees on Wednesday’s “Coalition Building: How to Build & Strengthen Partnerships within your School Community” Webinar call, I have to believe you were as completely blown away as I was by the information our experts shared with us on how they have successfully created partnerships to help…

Breakfast Matters: Food Research and Action Center

One of our partners in Breakfast in the Classroom is the Food Research and Action Center. FRAC is the leading national nonprofit organization working in the area of hunger and malnutrition in the United States today. In addition to our upcoming webinar on coalition building, we wanted to let you know that FRAC also has…

In-Classroom Breakfast Spotlight: Jill Kidd, Pueblo, CO

Jill Kidd is the Director of Food Services of Pueblo City Schools in Pueblo, CO. Universal breakfast is served in all 38 of the district’s schools; 24 of those schools have in-classroom universal breakfast. In 2009 the Pueblo City School district was recognized with an award by the Colorado Legacy Foundation and the Colorado Department…

In-Classroom Breakfast Spotlight: Willie Gentry, Peoria, AZ

Recently I sat down for a chat with Willie Gentry, Director of Food and Nutrition Services for the Peoria Unified School District. After successfully developing and implementing an in-classroom breakfast program at Alta Loma Elementary School, Willie’s district will be expanding the program into two more schools: Ira A. Murphy Elementary and Sun Valley Elementary.…