Do you work in a Mississippi school or district that struggles with breakfast participation? Are mornings in your school cafeteria chaotic or disruptive? Is your breakfast line too long to accommodate all of the students who want to eat the morning meal at school? Breakfast-in-the-classroom goes beyond increasing access to school breakfast; it’s a proven strategy to help increase educational and behavioral outcomes for students.
Breakfast in the classroom …
- Can help lower tardy and absentee rates
- Is associated with fewer trips to the nurse’s office, and fewer disciplinary referrals
- Eliminates common barriers to breakfast (late bus drop-off, stigma) and can help increase participation
School breakfast participation lags behind that of school lunch; fewer than half of students who take advantage of free and reduced price lunches also participation in the School Breakfast Program (SBP). Implementing breakfast-in-the-classroom can help you increase access, improve participation, and create a calm, productive morning atmosphere that prepares students for learning.
Partners for BIC: About the Grant
Mississippi is among ten states (along with Ohio, Idaho, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah) eligible to apply for a Partners for Breakfast in the Classroom grant.
The Partners for BIC grant is designed to help high-need schools and districts implement breakfast-in-the-classroom in one or more schools. Our grant is uniquely flexible and is tailored to your specific needs; funds can be used for equipment, as well as staff support and marketing materials. Visit our website to learn more about the grant eligibility criteria.
Another unique feature of our grant is ongoing technical assistance:
About the Partners
Grant funding is made possible through a generous $7.5 million grant from the Walmart Foundation to implement breakfast-in-the-classroom. Our goal is to fund high-need districts in our ten target states to reach an additional 30,000 students during the morning meal. The Partners for Breakfast in the Classroom are:
- Food Research & Action Center (FRAC)
- National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) Foundation
- NEA Foundation
- School Nutrition Foundation (SNF)
If you’re interested in learning more about us, and about breakfast-in-the-classroom, don’t miss these additional resources:
- Partners for Breakfast in the Classroom: Resources and Fact Sheet
- FRAC’s School Breakfast Scorecard & Large District Report
- FRAC’s Breakfast for Learning and Breakfast for Health fact sheets
We also encourage you to connect with: