Breakfast-in-the-Classroom Assessment an Opportunity to Engage Stakeholders

The assessment process is an important part of the breakfast-in-the-classroom journey. Every school is unique, with a different set of needs based on factors like enrollment, school size and layout, equipment needs, and of course, stakeholder engagement. We sat down with Nadine Doetterl, SNS of NMD School Food Service, who has extensive experience implementing breakfast-in-the-classroom,…

Spotlight: Breakfast-in-the-Classroom Success at Memphis City Schools Part 2

Part Two of our interview with Memphis City Schools’ Coordinator of Nutrition Services Alexsis Caston. Don’t miss Part One to learn about how breakfast-in-the-classroom got started in Memphis! BB: Now you are moving into an expansion phase. What is that going to entail for you? How many schools are involved in the breakfast-in-the-classroom expansion? AC:…

Spotlight: Breakfast-in-the-Classroom Success in Memphis City Schools Part 1

Before the holiday break we had the opportunity to sit down and talk to Alexsis Caston, Coordinator of Nutrition Services, Memphis City Schools in Memphis, Tennessee. Memphis was one of five cities in the original Breakfast-in-the-Classroom pilot program, generously funded by the Walmart Foundation. In the first year of their breakfast-in-the-classroom program Memphis saw great…

The Power of Collaboration

School nutrition as prominently in the national spotlight as it has ever been. There are more groups participating in the conversation than ever before: school food professionals, administrators, teachers, custodians, and parents, are being joined by politicians, the media, and many health organizations. These factions must work together to ensure the health of our students…

Farm-to-School in Fairbanks, Alaska: Using Alaska Grown Barley to Meet New Meal Patterns

If you have been reading Beyond Breakfast for awhile you might remember that I used to live in Fairbanks, Alaska, where two of my best friends worked for the University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension doing food research and education outreach. I recently reached out to my friend Kate Idzorek to talk with her about…

Breakfast in the Classroom and Fuel Up to Play 60 School Spotlight: Ella C. Pittman Elementary School in Harvey, LA

When an inspiring school breakfast story comes across our desk we just have to share it with you, and this recent story out of Louisiana is an inspiring one. Ella C. Pittman Elementary School has seen a lot of award-winning action recently, winning not one, not two, but three health and wellness related prizes! The…

Breakfast in the Classroom: James Madison Elementary, Ogden, UT

The breakfast in the classroom program at James Madison Elementary School in Ogden, UT was a mere thirteen days old when we sat down to talk to Ogden School District Dietitian Kristine Scott, RD, CD. Kristine sent a thank you shout out to other school food professionals for her help in an online forum, where…

AASA Receives Walmart Foundation Breakfast Grant

The Walmart Foundation continues to exhibit generosity and foresight in the fight against childhood hunger with their latest breakfast initiative. The American Association of School Administrators (AASA) has announced a $2.25 million program, funded by the Walmart Foundation, which will increase the number of needy children receiving breakfast at school. The AASA program will seek…

Healthy Schools Campaign Profiles SNA’s Danny Seymour on Breakfast in the Classroom

The Healthy Schools Campaign advocates for policies and practices that allow teachers, students and staff to learn and work in a healthy environment. The Chicago-based organization recently reached out to the School Nutrition Association’s Danny Seymour, dean of education, to talk about breakfast in the classroom. In his interview Danny discusses the importance of breakfast…

Breakfast in the Classroom Chat with Dora Rivas, Dallas ISD

As the new academic calendar resets, we wanted to catch up with one of our Partners for Breakfast in the Classroom rock stars and see what’s on the menu for the 2011-12 school year. We recently had a chance to speak with Dora Rivas, M.S., R.D., L.D. Dora is the Executive Food Service Director of…