A Louisiana Success Story

When devastating floods left more than 90 percent of Louisiana Parish families flooded and displaced, some of them homeless. Implementing breakfast in the classroom along with the Community Eligibility Provision increased participation from 35 percent to 80 percent, and allowed all students to eat school breakfast at no cost.

Large Equipment Investment

After almost a decade of granting experience it’s clear to the Partners for Breakfast in the Classroom that equipment was and remains a significant barrier to implementing a successful breakfast after the bell program. Learn how two of our granted districts—Alexandria City Public Schools (VA) and Garfield Heights City Schools (OH) grant dollars to upgrade…

Branding + Marketing

In Houston County School District (GA), where breakfast after the bell is served for free in some schools but not others, a fresh approach was required. Student surveys and taste tests helped Houston County child nutrition staff create a fresh menu and accompanying marketing approach to maximize participation regardless of BIC model.