Attention school breakfast fans! It’s time to register for our Tuesday, November 1 webinar, “Cycle 4 Breakfast-in-the-Classroom Funding Available” to learn more about how to apply for grant funds from the Partners for Breakfast in the Classroom. With generous funding from the Walmart Foundation, we have $7.5 million in grant money to distribute in the following ten states: Ohio, Oklahoma, Missouri, Utah, Texas, Idaho, Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, and Nebraska. Join us at 2 p.m. ET this Tuesday to learn about the resources available to support you through the application and implementation process. Everyone is invited—school nutrition professionals, principals and educators, anti-hunger advocates—come one and come all!
Talk Tuesday Presenters
We’ll hear from stakeholders in previously funded districts to learn how BIC is working in their district. In addition to Partners for BIC consultant Liz Campbell (MA, RD) we’ll also hear from Sarah Murphy, program manager at the School Nutrition Foundation; Annelise Cohon, senior program coordinator at The NEA Foundation; and Etienne Melcher, senior child nutrition program coordinator at the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC). Our district speakers include:
- Brian J. Polito (CPA), CFO, Erie’s Public Schools (Pa.) – Read more about BIC in Erie
- Meredith Potter (MBA, RD, LD) Director of School Nutrition and Lauren Koff (RD), School Nutrition Program Dietitian, Houston County Schools (Ga.) – Read more about BIC in Houston County
- Pierrette Hall, Principal, F.C. Hammond Middle School, Alexandria City Public Schools (Va.) – Read more about BIC at F.C. Hammond Middle School
Register online for “Cycle 4 Breakfast-in-the-Classroom Funding Available”
About Partners for Breakfast in the Classroom
The four organizations, collectively known as Partners for Breakfast in the Classroom, are the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC), National Association of Elementary School Principals Foundation, the NEA Foundation, and School Nutrition Foundation.
Breakfast-in-the-classroom is designed to increase participation in the federal School Breakfast Program (SBP) using three proven strategies to spur higher participation: (1) Expanding free breakfast to all students (2) Moving breakfast from the cafeteria to the classroom, and (3) Serving breakfast right after the opening bell.
Studies show that children who eat breakfast at the start of their school day have higher math and reading scores, and demonstrate a sharper memory and faster speeds on cognitive tests. Serving breakfast in the classroom emphasizes inclusion and camaraderie, and helps to remove the stigma often associated with school breakfast, that it’s only for “low-income” students. Moving breakfast to the classroom also helps students who may miss breakfast served in the cafeteria—due to bussing schedules, or arriving late to school—the opportunity to eat the morning meal.
Visit our website to learn more about the Partners for Breakfast in the Classroom Cycle 4 grant opportunity, and be sure to join us Tuesday, November 1, at 2 p.m. ET.